Bipartite multi-actor partnerships for information, negotiation and cooperation in sectoral strategies for strengthening vocational further training management, promoting new skills and workforce development in SME-industries
15.12.2012 – 14.12.2013
Promoting vocational further training – Opportunities for Trade Unions and Employers’ Associations in Social Dialogue
BICO is an European Social Partnership Initiative for company-based further training in cooperation of trade unions, employers' associations and representatives from enterprises in the wood/furniture and metal/machinery building industry.
BICO improves the position of workers and companies by strengthening sectoral and in-company further training activities.
Bucharest Declaration 2013
Political declaration and self-commitment of social partners for sustainable cooperation in further training and vocational qualification in branches and companies – confirmed by the BICO-partners on 19.11.2013 in Bucharest
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